100 horas de juegos XeSS para celebrar los más de 100 juegos con XeSS

por Nan H |

To celebrate our work on Intel® XeSS technology, we’re having a jam-packed two days of XeSS gaming by streamers all over the world!

There’s been a lot of news around XeSS lately… from launching XeSS 1.3 to passing over 100 games enabled with XeSS, there’s been a lot of work done on our favorite gaming technology. If we take a look back to when this all started in 2022 it’s been an incredible 1.5 years of XeSS adoption in games.

XeSS Power Play: 100 Hours of XeSS Gaming

Celebrate with us by tuning into our XeSS Game Marathon on May 2 and 3. We have so many great streamers all over the world, streaming a variety of XeSS enabled games, adding up to 100+ hours of XeSS gaming! Check out the schedule below to tune into a streamer at any point across those two days, or just drop by twitch.tv/intel to see the co-stream.

We’re very excited about the global turnout and the hours of gaming to come. Each stream will last up to 3 hours and while most are on Twitch, some can be watched on YouTube or Bilibili. All the streamers and their platforms are linked below.

AsiaEuropaNorteaméricaMiddle EastOceanía
- JokerKiHaveli
- Snax Gaming

- 阿姆西_MC
- Moxin

- Kouki
- Kim
- Maty
- Rumathra

- Angela35
- ChappyCherri
- Tamae_

- EmziaTV
- IssyTheOne
- Pojken
- DrLupo
- fanfan
- Noisy Butters
- ThatBronzeGirl

- Natarsha
- MissHarvey
- Vienna
- Zeon- AussieAntics

In case you missed it…

  • XeSS is our AI-based gaming technology (yes, it actually uses AI 😉) that gives gamers a lot more performance while maintaining visual quality.
  • We’ve seen over 2x performance increases in popular games!
  • We recently released XeSS version 1.3 which delivers even more settings that give you either more performance or better visual quality. Read this blog post if you want to learn a bit about what the changes under the hood are.
  • The first games playable with XeSS 1.3 are now available: Bellwright & Horizonte Oeste Prohibido

Learn more about XeSS and see the full list of XeSS Games: game.intel.com/xess-gaming
Find out more about Intel Arc Graphics performance and see where to buy: game.intel.com/us/arc-gaming/

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